You killed Jamie!! You Bastards!

Those bastards have done it! They’ve crushed my potential empire before I could even get it started!

What am I griping about now, you ask? Well, those bastardos over at Fee Brothers have put out yet another flavor of bitters, this time cherry, in direct competition with my Boudreau’s Cherry Bitters. Ellen Fee describes her bitters as such: “I wanted a strong, fruity flavor of the cherry and the cherry pit. Then a dash of mystery background, followed by a punch of bitter. I thought in terms of an 1800’s farm wife creating this product with ingredients available ain that time period.”

Now, instead of buying a plethora of ingredients and then macerating, filtering, blending and aging, all one has to do is go to their nearest well-stocked liquor store (or Fee’s website), and purchase their very own bottle of cherry bitters.

My goal of world bitter domination was to begin with my version of Boudreau’s Cherry Bitters, and it has now been crushed, as if it were a bothersome mosquito upon the arm of a banana-eating camper.


Fee's Cherry Bitters

Picture by:
Jamie Boudreau
Cocktail Whisperer


~ by Jamie Boudreau on September 26, 2008.

6 Responses to “You killed Jamie!! You Bastards!”

  1. There is always broccoli bitters. A vast untapped market of Brassicaceae awaits bittering! Cauliflower bitters! Cabbage bitters! The mind boggles.

  2. So… How does it compare to your bitters?

  3. There’s always Red Bull bitters!

  4. […] polujemy na Fee Brothers Cherry Bitters do naszej […]

  5. Jamie, this was in no way meant to crush your self esteem or your dreams of world domination. It was just meant to help me feel good about myself. Ellen Fee

  6. well, you are THE only one cherry bitters producer with credibility.
    If the cherry bitters are as good as the rhubarb then you don`t have to worry about.

    Conquer the world Jamie!!!

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