Will Muddle for Food….

As of approximately 2:30 today I am no longer under the employ of Vessel.

Anyone needing a bartender, consultant, menu designer, or just needing to empty their wallets of a bit of cash in order for me to start my own bar, drop me a line.

Added: There are rumors going around that I am consulting for Vessel. This is not true. I have not been offered that role nor afforded compensation for such work. As of this date I no longer have any affiliation with Vessel.

~ by Jamie Boudreau on May 1, 2008.

22 Responses to “Will Muddle for Food….”

  1. It won’t be the same bar without you. In fact, I’m not sure I can think of a reason to visit anymore.

  2. This is the perfect opportunity for you to start your own place! Seattle needs more nice places to have a proper cocktail. You raise the funds, we’ll be there!

  3. what Dayne said… and what Wendy said, too.

    Obviously you need to come to SF for Cocktail Week, now that you don’t have any obligations to tie you down. πŸ™‚

  4. umm…. wha???

    hmm. this may or may not confirm some of the rumors I’ve heard (about Vessel. πŸ™‚

    I’ve been to Vessel maybe 3-4 times total; you were there only once but the drinks were markedly better that one time…

    (let the speculation begin)

  5. Congratulations, my brother!

    I haven’t heard much about the place that didn’t involve your name, so I’m sure that you’ll be moving into a much more appropriate opportunity very soon.

    And if you ever want to take your talents south, I know we’d love to make you an Oregonian.

    Best of luck,


  6. step 1: grow 19th century sea captain beard.
    step 2: bottle and sell cherry bitters (with picture of self with beard on bottle.)
    step 3. profit!

  7. As Mr. Morgenthaler said, any word on the place always included your name – in fact it often seemed that any mention of your (former) place of employment was an afterthought…

    Off to greener pastures then – cheers & best of luck mate!

  8. Good Luck, I am sure a man with your talents will move on to bigger and better things!

    If you are ever in Melbourne Australia, I’m sure I can give you some shifts. As long as you bring the cherry bitters on you!!!!!

  9. indeed, off to better pastures. just ignore that morgenthaler fella about headin down south…..

  10. I’ve been lurking for quite awhile…so the news makes me sad. But, along with everyone else here, I believe you will find yourself in a much better place, in all respects, very soon. Best of luck to you.

  11. I have to say that you one of the biggest influences on me to be a unique and great bartender. I still have a lot to learn old master… I hope you stay in Seattle and that a great opportunity comes to light, and for the love of god, keep blogging.

  12. I’ve never been to Vessel or Seattle. I’ve never met you. However, everything I’ve ever heard about you has always been absolutely fantastic and I read your website every update. You are an inspiration to many of us out here on the interwebs. There is always work for an incredibly talented guy like you. I wish you the best of luck.

  13. I second Jeffrey; please come down to Eugene! Or at least Portland. Oregon needs you! πŸ™‚

    And more seriously, good luck. Someone with your creativity and writing talent won’t, I am confident, remain workless for long.

  14. My two cents’ worth is that I hope you will stay in Seattle. I’ll follow you to your greener pasture. You make great cocktails and elixers, and I love your blog. Best of luck wherever you land!

  15. Sad news, but let me just say that Morgenthaler is right. In fact, I might even know a place opening in Portland soon that could use a man of your talents. If you are open to the possibility, get in touch. If not, best of luck and I’ll be sure to come up to see you wherever you land.

  16. Thanks for the kind words, all.

  17. All right, all you Oregonians back the hell off and stop trying to poach our mixologists. Cease these shameless persuasions, or suffer the wrath of the Munat Bros!

    There’s a recently vacated bar space a block from my house in Greenwood: open a bar there and I’ll be in every night…and I’ll sweep the sidewalk out front and take out the garbage for free!

  18. Well if this was an involuntary departure than may Vessel burn! The only reason I ever ventured there was because you were there. Now I have no reason to return. Hopefully you’ll stay in Seattle so those of us here can continue to enjoy your brilliance.

  19. Wow, so bummed to hear this~ but at the same time wishing you the best. And hoping you land somewhere in the Emerald City so the party can continue πŸ˜‰

  20. Damn it! I was in Seattle three weeks ago, walked by Vessel twice, but just didn’t have time to go in. “Next time,” I thought… Looking forward to seeing where you land next — I’ll definitely seize the opportunity and not wait for another day.

  21. Think London.Opportunities are endless.The crowd is thick and city guys rich.Whatever you decide to do I wish you best of luck Jamie

  22. Still looking for a job? Want to move to Austin?

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