Bacardi ad

I’ve always said that Salvatore Calabrese couldn’t mix a drink to save his life!

Seriously though, this is pretty fun to watch:  it should be  a ride for bartenders at Disneyland, or used as a learning tool for how long and hard to shake Ramos gin fizzes.

~ by Jamie Boudreau on November 5, 2009.

4 Responses to “Bacardi ad”

  1. Any idea what kind of shaker he’s using there? it’s a beautiful piece!

  2. Josh:
    It’s a Parisian shaker which can be found throughout Europe but especially in France. The last time I went to get one they were around $500 as they are made with silver.

  3. I’m digging the “laptop bartop” – I’d likely never leave the couch. 🙂

    Don’t mean to “sales pitch” but Josh, if $500 is too rich for your blood and silver isn’t necessary for you, I have a Parisian style shaker at my store. It’s not quite as nice in materials and craftsmanship as Salvatore’s, but it’s strong stainless steel and gets drinks wicked cold.

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